Managing people does not come naturally to most people, and we often don’t have the opportunity to learn how to manage people before being tasked to do so. It is a common challenge I see where people who are technically strong in their field are promoted to a leadership position and subsequently struggle in their role as a manager of people.
Sound familiar?
There are a number of reasons why dealing with people might make someone feel uncomfortable:
- Fear of judgement or rejection: People often worry about being judged by their colleagues, especially if they’re new to the job or trying something new. This fear can be particularly intense if someone has experienced criticism or rejection in the past.
2. Lack of confidence: People who lack self-confidence may feel intimidated in group situations, particularly when they’re required to assert their own opinions or ideas. This can be especially challenging for introverted individuals who tend to process information internally before sharing their thoughts.
3. Communication difficulties: People who struggle to communicate effectively may find interacting with others in the workplace particularly challenging. This can be particularly difficult if they’re expected to express complex ideas or discuss sensitive issues with colleagues or leaders. Language barriers can be especially difficult.
4. Social anxiety: For some, the thought of interacting with others in a professional context can trigger symptoms of social anxiety, such as sweating, trembling, or panic attacks. This can make even simple interactions like answering the phone or attending meetings extremely difficult at times.
5. Personal differences: Sometimes, people simply don’t get along with one another. Perhaps they have different personalities, working styles, or values that clash in some way. This can create tension and discomfort in the workplace, particularly if the two individuals need to work closely together on a project or task.
6. Personal biases or past negative experiences: Having a preconceived idea how someone may react or previously having an unpleasant experience with a particular person can derail positive outcomes at the best of times. We often aren’t aware of our biases and going unchecked won’t improve the situation over time.
It is important to identify the root cause of the discomfort and work on overcoming it to foster positive relationships and enhance professional development.
This can be done through coaching, learning what unique strengths and traits we have, and how we can bring those to our work with more comfort and confidence – even in the most high-pressure situations. Once we are aware of our challenges, we can tackle them head on as we apply new ways of thinking toward our team.
Do you need help finding ways to feel more comfortable when dealing with people?
I’m here to help.
Book a discovery call today.